A Peaceful Night Run

When I run at night I usually keep it on the track or a trail. My wife is happy that way and I don’t surprise anyone on the road. Of course on my drive home tonight, well last night (it’s 12:30 am now) after my run I was surprised to see someone on the side of the road. I slowed down to help them annnnd, I’m going to finish that part of the story after I tell you about my run! This is a runner’s blog after all.

One Of My Late Night Runs

At 9:30 pm I stepped onto the track. It was quiet besides the occasional passing car. I went about my normal habits. I popped open Spotify, put on my workout playlist, and started my warm-up. I broke my process only to take the pictures you see here. Looking at the 11% battery on my phone as I stretched I stopped Spotify. Then I placed my phone off to the side and laid back on the track looking at the night sky.

I love people, but sometimes it feels wonderful to be alone. I’ve always found that solace in the woods, but tonight it was on the track. I took off running. The longest I can run on the track is a 5k. I start to lose track of my laps if I go any higher. I could tell the first mile was fast, the second mile was well maintained but the first two laps of the third mile were pitiful. I hopefully made up for it by giving it my all in the final two laps, but being unplugged, we will never know. But on this run, I was more consumed with my thoughts.

Late Night Running Thoughts

Recently the topic of kids, my future kids, has been on my mind. My wife is ready and I will be soon as well, but so many unknowns continually flood my mind. Tonight the unknown was connected to technology. I love technology, but I know it is an addictive poison that controls and manipulates our lives. Being an internet marketer, I know it more than most. If I want my kids to not be exposed to technology in a world so saturated in it, should I not hold myself to the same standard?

Being born in the 90s, videogames, a home computer and cell phones were a fresh addiction. I love video games. I like playing them on a level that is undeniably addictive. It is because of this that I have never owned a video game system. It is also because of my parents, whom I am grateful for. If it wasn’t for their decision I would probably still be living at home and rather than blogging, I’d have a pretty mediocre twitch channel.

Let me clarify, nothing is remotely wrong with videogames, just as nothing is wrong with running. But if something consumes your life on a level where you are no longer living, that is bad. We have to decide to be on team human and live with each other again. Running fans the flame of living in me. I am more motivated, healthier and my mind is cleared on a run. Videogames, in comparison, do the opposite. They sap everything out of me, and I want to give it more and more for the small reward I receive from a small accomplishment.

These thoughts rolled through my mind as I rounded the second lap of my second mile. Will it be possible to raise my kids in a healthy way? A way that is right? I’m sure they will dislike my restrictions at the moment when they want to feed their childlike addictions. I can only hope they are thankful for them later in life.

My Post-Run Adventure

So the moment you’ve been waiting for! Or maybe you just scrolled down and skipped my run and reflection to get to the fun story. So I was driving home from the track (only about 2 miles) when I saw something moving on the side of the road. It looked large. Was it a bear? No, I saw a glint that didn’t look like the refraction of an animal’s eyes. As I slowed on the main street I could see it was a four-wheeler! And bent over it pushing it uphill I could just make out the form of a person.

I thought I knew how to workout at night! This person was putting me to shame with this new type of running workout. I yelled out the window, “Need a hand!?” And pulled off the road as fast as I could. Ironically, this is actually the second time I helped someone at this exact spot during a run. The previous couple had a problem with leaving their parking brake on and driving about 20 miles, but that is a story for another time.

Just as I like to unplug and disconnect from technology, I like to connect, talk and help people. Play my part on team human. It turns out a girl about my age had taken her 4-wheeler out for a ride and went down an embankment. She jumped off and the 4-wheeler took a tumble. It looked like it was still in good shape but something internally must have gotten jumbled and the little thing couldn’t come back to life.

We stashed the 4-wheeler on the side of the road and I drove her home. It was at least 7 miles. At the rate she was moving, she would only be halfway by now. Definitely an interesting person (that’s all I have to say about that), but it made my ride home a little different. My wife doesn’t exactly approve of me picking up hitchhikers but that hasn’t stopped me yet. My friend Nolan and I have always said, “we know where we are going when we die, so it isn’t a risk.”

Final Thoughts On The Evening

Go on a run without music. Leave your phone at home and disconnect from the world. At the same time reconnect with the world, through reality. Not this blog post or my Instagram pictures. Go out and meet people. Help someone who can’t help you. Trust me, it is pretty great being on team human.

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