Dreamers – Our Dream of a Live Performance

Is this a Dream? Or is it Real Life?

Dreamers performed on the new music discovery stage at the Radio 104.5 birthday show and truly displayed talent as live performers and musicians. This band only has one full album, yet they have multiple hits and a solid line up of songs that allows them to put on a solid show. I’m sorry, let me repeat that. They have one album that has such a high-quality level of depth they are running their own headliner and not only that, their live performance was able to get people in 100-degree weather to jump up and down!

You can bet I’m looking at going to their next performance in Philly with the Weathers and Morgxn!

Reasons to love them:

  • Quality first album right out of the gates
  • Live performance gets people on their feet jumping 2 hours into a 10 hour festival-style show
  • Lead singer (Nick Wold) matches his hair and shoes extremely well
  • The Bassist (Marc Nelson) could care less about it being 100-degrees and wore a long sleeve shirt
  • Jacob Lee Wick rocks the drums so well making the mix have a solid beat, the whole band just synchs up so well
  • Shout out to the sound technician who balanced them beautifully
  • They did a cover of Zombie by the Cranberries (sacrificing their performance time to raise tribute to London Hilton)
  • You’ve already heard their music, trust me, you have!

Musicians are thriving off of singles and this band has released a full album that can be played from start to finish (well worth the purchase). Sorry if I sound like a sales ad or a complete fanboy for these guys. I literally went to this concert drooling over AJR (who were amazing as well!) and I saw these guys from four feet away and got an amazing show!

Dreamers Sound

Dreamers perform at Radio 104.5 Birthday Show.Dreamers have a nice mixture. From angsty teenage youth songs that take me back to 8th-grade (they are 100% on my “feels like 8th-grade” playlist) to a 1975 vibe intermittent with the happiness of Walk the Moon. Also mentioned before they do a great cover of Zombie that makes you shiver as the piano ends the song. Dreamers is just what you are looking for in a well rounded alternative band.

Dreamers Bassist wearing long sleeves.

Dreamers Performance

The opening of the Dreamers set gave a snapshot clip of an old recording. It sounded like a 50’s movie where two men are having a conversation and all of a sudden one of them takes a moment to give a speech (you know like John Wayne in every single one of his performances). This speech was of course about dreams. The eerie yet knowledgeable voice said (I’m paraphrasing here), “imagine having a dream where you were able to live a lifetime, yet only a matter of seconds have passed in our natural world.” (Inception anybody!?) The voice leaves the crowd with that thought as Dreamers take the stage. Taking the stage they own up our dreams of a live performance.

Dreamers Future/My Predictions

They will be releasing another single within the next year. They are riding a wave right now and will continue to add to it. Their hits are Sweet Disaster, Painkillers, Wolves and their newly released single Screws. This single just added to their arsenal of music and by their tightly knit performance, the group will be able to keep releasing more. They take pride in their music but do not try to outshine each other.

Ending Thoughts

What are your thoughts on Dreamers?

Who wants to join me at the concert in Philly!?

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