Brian Fallon Forget Me Not Cover

I’ll Never Forget Brian Fallon

Brian Fallon and Gaslight Anthem fans are a little different. We have an unnatural loyalty to our favorite band. That is because we’ve cried together, experienced teenage angst together, and watched our dreams fade with age. Brian Fallon released Forget Me Not today and is calling us up to dance (and We came to Dance). Notice the similar guitar picking style in the intro.

The song opens with a sharp guitar riff you could see yourself clapping to. It made me vocally say, “oh, okay” and then his voice cuts in. Yes, that rough guttural voice that we heard in “Go Tell Everybody” by The Horrible Crowes. That touch of anger and excitement, like a battle call to fight the ache in our bones from construction work.

But those lyrics. Those words that drip like honey. I can relate to the lines where he says, “I just used to hear the time clock/Whistle stop. Sleep and get back up again” Brian Fallon worked as a roofer in New Jersey, Ironically enough, I have done roofing and construction work in Jersey as well. (I actually recently wrote a short story about my dad and I and how he helped me come to terms with the grind of “sleep, work, eat”) But you don’t need to hear about that, sorry, my train of thought derailed.

The words appear to be like a more positive version of Brian Fallon’s “Halloween” Just like him being “a corpse in a suit trying to look a little alive,” he is “buried in the cold ground”. The wording of “Halloween” is a bit more nervous or dissatisfied with how he is in life and death. “Forget me not” has come to terms with death, and rather than feeling the woman would be the death of him, he finds life through being remembered. This song is perfect for this fall season, and of course Halloween. With lyrics alluding to scarfs and football and how we listened to sad songs that touched our soul. This song is singing about these heart-wrenching moments happily, knowing they are part of us, and praying that we won’t forget. If this is the anthem of the next album I am beyond excited.


Image Provided Via: Twitter


Brian Fallon’s album “Sleep Walkers” is out February 9th. Before today, 10/27, we did not even know if this release would be an album or single. With the image above and the description of “Friday”, we were at the edge of our seats waiting to receive this Halloween gift. Either way, I am excited about the next single or album, and so ready for his upcoming tour. Tickets for Brian Fallon & the Howling Weather go on sale Tuesday at 10 am! Happy Halloween! Comment your thoughts below on what we can expect!

-Wesley A. Gehman

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