Picture of Kaleo, a band from Iceland.

Kaleo Claims First Number One on the Charts

Picture of Kaleo, a band from Iceland.If you have yet to purchase Kaleo’s debut album A/B read this article later. Run to your local record store and add this alternative band to your collection. Well rounded doesn’t even come close to describing this Icelandic band. From bluesy vibes to heavy electric guitar riffs, from a country song to a high pitched hipster melody, Kaleo creates a balance Chef Ramsey couldn’t even complain about.

Today, August 12th, the song “Way Down We Go” took the number one spot in Alternative singles. This bluesy track possesses strong deep vocals, accompanied by an electric guitar with a strong bass line. The lyrics are presented so each person can interpret the song with their own pain. This makes the album a slightly lonely experience, perfect for a late night drive or a walk off the beaten path. Not only does this song chill to the bone, but the music video takes place in a volcano. Who just decides to perform a song live in an inactive volcano? Kaleo.

The band is now living in Austin, Texas, and I doubt they will settle for producing only one album. With only four tour dates left after their sold out show tonight in Oregon, time will be available to write. Hopefully, they will write my next favorite album. I am wondering what new American influences will take hold of Kaleo’s future style. One can only hope that it improves rather than corrupts.

-Wesley A. Gehman

As always I do not own the image, visual, or audio. They all fall under free use according to creativecommons.org.

This Post was uploaded from my previous blog “Word Wing

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