Persuing An Emotional Relationship With God

As some of you may know I am presently attending college for a master’s degree with a focus on Biblical studies. What I have learned and the classes I have been taking have been so illuminating and amazing at building foundational knowledge I had no idea I was lacking. I am so happy I am taking these courses even though I struggle through them and am quite aggravated with them on a large number of levels.

As I study and learn the facts and truths of this world I find myself intrigued. Meanwhile, my emotions feel like a desert. Studying God’s word has become homework rather than a passion of love and relationship between God and me His servant. So, I started to feel bitter toward Him. I am an unhappy student wanting to just go outside and play rather than writing a paper that simply mimics what is already established and I agree with. So, what am I to do?

Reigniting My Passion For God & His Word

This weekend I went on a retreat. I’m a junior high youth leader and me, a few staff and 30 plus students went away for the weekend to study God’s word and grow in our faith together. It was such a great weekend of fun, brotherly love and encouragement while also working through tough sin issues in our small groups. As a group, we had suggested readings during our early morning devotions. One of the suggested readings was Psalms 23. So I read it and felt overwhelmingly encouraged as well as emotionally connected with God. An emotional connection I had been lacking as I have been continually reading the New Testament and trying to perform Exegesis in my devotions.

A Healthy Diet of God’s Word

What I realized is I need to read a healthy diet of God’s word. For the past year in school, I’ve been focusing on hard knowledge and appropriate practices of hermeneutics and exegesis. Meanwhile, in my devotions, I was investing in the hard knowledge of God’s established church and glancing overall emotion that was occurring during that time. I need a healthier diet of God’s word. So I plan to read more Psalms. Rather than eating corn every day, I am going to try having a full course meal of God’s word.

I’m sorry, my analogy is being taken way too far. Maybe it is because I’m hungry as well. Nevertheless, I want to encourage you to read a healthier serving of the Bible and diversify where you are reading from.

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