Tips For Having An Online Interview

You just heard back from the job you had applied to and they want to set up an online interview! This is so wonderful and terrible at the same time! You have a chance at the job of your dreams and at the same time, the first time you meet your potential boss is over a zoom meeting and they are literally sitting in your kitchen. Can the situation get any more awkward?

8 Tips For Online Interviews

After doing a few online interviews and listening in on my wife’s interview I’ve compiled a few tips and tricks for an online interview. Some are funny, but all are pertinent for getting the job you are seeking. Online interviews have become a reality in our Covid-19 related world. So putting your best foot forwards starts at the kitchen table instead of when you walk through a business’s doors.

Wear Pants

Please, for all of us, wear pants to your zoom meetings. There are so many cases of accidents happening. For instance. In this viral clip below, one of the reasons the man did not get up is because he is not wearing pants! Imagine if his wife never came storming in to get his kids! That would have been awkward to explain.

Prep Your Online Interview Area

Personally I make sure my computer is elevated on a desk and not on my lap. They do not want to see up my nose or watch the world move every time my legs shift. I also make sure I have a glass of water nearby. Don’t want to run out of the room to get a glass of water as your mouth becomes so dry you can’t respond. The last item I have is a paper and pencil. This way you can take notes on the call or read notes you wrote yourself ahead of time.

If you feel inclined, it is not a bad idea to print out the job description. This way you can reference it for questions. Many times, interviewers do not have this printed out. This puts you at an advantage because it will appear you know what they need more than they do.

Show Up Early To An Online Interview

With technology, it is extremely likely that it will not work. Also, a lot of online conference apps like Zoom, free conference call or Skype need to be downloaded to your computer ahead of time. Just as you would be prompt to an in-person interview, be prompt to an online interview.

Starting The Conversation In An Online Conference Chat

When you first open the conference, make sure they can hear you. Say something like, “Hi Larry! How are you, can you hear me well?”. . . “Yes? Great, I can hear you too. How are you doing today?” This avoids the awkwardness of talking without them hearing you. Getting off to a great start with an online interview is always a great feeling.

Say Hello To Everyone In The “Room”

Let’s be honest. Zoom meetings are uncharted waters for a lot of people. Someone shows up late and joins in. What do you do? Just dive back into the interview and move on? No. Pretend you are in an office and they just walked into the room. In that situation, you would stand up and shake their hand. Do the same thing on the phone call. Okay, stay seated, I know you are wearing pants. But acknowledge them and tell them it is a pleasure to meet them. They will then be part of the interview and you will have won some extremely great points in everyone’s eyes.

Don’t Just Acknowledge What Your Interviewer Says, Respond!

You can get into a habit of just saying okay. This is because you are nervous, and it feels like everyone is staring at you when you talk. Don’t think about that. Respond appropriately. Rather than “okay”, say, “Okay, that sounds great!” or “Okay that makes sense”. Any form of communication that is not in person there is less and less emotion present, so you need to put on emotion and more expression. If you were texting your future employer, you would want to communicate more than “Okay”. You want to communicate your emotions over the Zoom call.

Make A Clear And Concise Ending to The Conference Call

Be ready to click the hangup button when the conference ends. I’ve had some awkward endings to interviews because both the interviewer and I could not find the end call button. Being ready and aware can avoid the awkward, “Great, thank you so much, we’ll talk soon. . .” awkward shuffling, someone says, “hmm where is it?” “Ah there, goodbye again!”

Your Interviewer Is Uncomfortable Too

Most likely, your interviewer is uncomfortable too. They’re new to doing interviews online and might have never worked with Zoom or any other online meeting platform. What this means is you have to deal with some awkward moments. Don’t just deal with them, absorb them. It is only awkward if you allow it to be.

Let Me Know How Your Online Interview Goes!

If you an online job interview coming up, do not worry. Don’t stress. Prepare and you will do fine. I would love to hear about your experience and what you learned. If you have anything to add to my list of 8 tips when doing an online interview, let me know! Everyone’s experience is different and I would love to hear yours. Contact me or comment below. Thanks!

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