Welcome to NuMu
Hey there! It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Wesley. Here you will see me trying to become a better writer. Along with improving as a writer, I hope to go from a novice to the next experience level within different hobbies, passions and skills. This blog goes against what you should do in keeping a single topic and focus, but that is okay. It is more for me and if you get anything from this I'm glad.
This site itself is my sandbox to play in and improve my writing skills. So take a look at my sandcastle, get to know me and learn in the areas of interest you and I share. Most of all, do not hesitate to reach out and get connected through our shared interests.

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Below are the core topics of this site. My interest. My hobbies. My passions.
This topic is a little different from the others. It is the true inspiration of the site and the core area I want to grow in. I want to write a fiction book, a fiction book that isn't quick and simple, but a work of art. One that pays tribute to great storytellers like Tolkien, Twain or Salinger.
Here I will likely write short stories or cut scenes to train and improve my writing skills. I hope you enjoy them.

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