Blog Topics

As depicted on the homepage there are a variety of blog topics on this site. Consider this page the filing system of the blog. Here you can see the blog topics and subtopics.

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Here you will primarily find fiction and nonfiction short stories. I may write a poem or other forms of writing, but for now I will keep it simple.



In this faith section revolving around my relationship with Christ, you will find my lesson ideas, self-reflections, devotions and a few topics I am a bit passionate about. Believer Basics provides the basics of the "how" and why" in being a believer (from my perspective). The other is "Highlighter Ministries" which provides insight in leading background ministries in the church.



NuMu's original blog focus. Here you will find some pretty great music reviews, breakdowns of music videos and my personal favorite live concert reviews.

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The outdoors is something I grew up with and always loved, but I only recently found a new appreciation for it. My life has been a bit consumed by work church and online marketing. The outdoors has been a place where I have found personal relief and relaxation and truly been able to get closer to God.

This section of the blog will have a fun mixture of hiking, hunting (specifically traditional archery) and a mixture of other sportsmanlike hobbies.

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In the Mentor Blog, you will find subjects such as leadership, self-reflection and college and career.

A lot of these topics will also be in my Faith Blog since that is where a large amount of my leadership and experience are in.

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Rock Hopper Runner

We'll see if I write much here. Don't hold your breath . . . seriously do not hold your breath while running. Maybe I should start a dad joke blog instead.